Tuesday 10 December 2013

Leveraging on the power of Social Media quickly and wisely

If your company is working with search engine marketing professionals, robust social media campaign is a primary activity. A lot today gets done on social networking sites since the percentage of global population these sites attract is growing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, if your business does not engage on social media sites, you are most likely invisible in the virtual world. And if you do not find time to create and nourish a social media campaign, you are in for a large quantum of lost business. So, for this community of users, here are some quick tips to fit in social networking engagement even amidst a busy schedule.

Importance of social media

1. Create your Goals

Perhaps the first task any professional SEO company in India is likely to do is to create social media related goals for increasing traffic. There are different dimensions from which you can use social media that include enhancing reputation, increasing sales, improving rate of repeat purchases, establishing connect with potential customers, networking and/or becoming a thought leader. Your social media activities can be aligned to meet the goals. This kind of planning is a bottom up approach and helps in saving a lot of time and energy.

2. Sharing has an Advantage

Creating something new involves a lot of time, mindshare and efforts. However, sharing what has already been created can be done in a few seconds. Retweeting posts, sharing articles of thought leaders and leveraging on industry sources to boost your social media presence are great ways to get people to talk about your business. You could simply take such content and make a quick spin-off by adding your own perspective and comment and voila you have something interesting and appropriate sans the time.

3. Don’t Forget the Mobile

The power of smartphones can never be demeaned. What was once a novel concept is today as common as anything can get. Literally, almost everything gets done over a smartphone and these handheld devices have proven that nothing is beyond its realm. So, as much as you try to cut corners with time and efforts; make sure your campaign holds appeal for a large community of smartphone users.

4. Seek Help

Yes, you can. Today, there are multiple social channels like Hootsuite, TweetDeck and Argyle that can help handle social accounts. Scheduling of posts can be done without a hassle and these are sent out automatically. Alternatively, working with a SEO services company can get these done and more strategically and productively.

5. Don’t put your eggs in multiple baskets

If you think you are hard-pressed for time and your business focuses only on specific audiences; pick and choose from the numerous social media platforms. You do not have to really engage with all that are available. You can instead establish focus on platforms that can maximize your business’ potential.


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